When you own a CraigCat, you are in charge; go where you want, when you want. You don’t have to set-up appointments and worry about scheduling which means having limited access to a boat. All the while, you’re having to pay exorbitant fees for this privilege which is often the case with Boat Clubs and Boat Rentals.
We think we have a better idea! Buy a brand new fully warranted CraigCat E2 Elite from us. Then use it for up to three years until you are ready to sell. Just bring it to our showroom in Orlando and depending on the condition of your CraigCat Catamaran Boat, we will give you top dollar for it. We need pre-owned CraigCats. It’s that simple! Don’t forget you always have the option of trading up to a new CraigCat if you like.
When it’s all over and done with, chances are you are going to find out you saved a tremendous amount of money and had a ton of fun in the process. YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE WHAT THE CRAIGCAT DOES!!
Craig Catamaran Corporation reserves the right of refusal to purchase and to set the value of the preowned CraigCat regardless of second party opinions.